Monday, August 23, 2010

Bill Whetstone A Linchpin of Digital Learning

Whetstone-Digital can help your organization harness the unmatched power of digital and mobile technology to make education more relevant to today's global economy.   Bill Whetstone's digital education solutions focus firmly on providing top notch services.   Whetstone-Digital can train, educate and design work flow solutions for academic institutions, publishers and small businesses.

"I have a unique opportunity to increase the impact that public education has on Alabama's workforce and economy," said Bill Whetstone.  "My continuing review of best practices can help expand quality education opportunities to traditional and non-traditional learners, and keep more students, graduates and jobs in Alabama at a time when there's fierce competition in each of these areas."
Whetstone-Digital is a linchpin for digital education.   Whetstone aims to be an 'innovation' partner to enterprises and institutions by creating knowledge, enabling delivery, and empowering access and usability with effective technology.  Whetstone-Digital champions new advancements and innovations in eLearning and makes them accessible to a wider teaching and learning audience.

Whetstone Reviews 5 Digital Learning Technologies

  1. Adobe in Technical Communication and eLearning: Learn more about Adobe’s contributions to eLearning and about their updates on new trends.
  2. Assistive Technology: This popular blog focuses on assistive technology, eLearning, mind mapping, collaborative tools and educational technology.
  3. Discovery Through eLearning: This is a collection of thoughts, ideas and information that Tracy Hamilton finds intriguing for herself on elearning tools and technology.
  4. E-Learning Journeys: Julie Lindsay is information technology and e-Learning co-ordinator for the Beijing International School. She shares her ideas in this blog.
  5. EdGalaxy: As a teacher, you may want to stay one step ahead of your students in technological advances. Kevin Cummins can help you do this with the latest in tech, tools, toys, news and lesson plans.

I'm Bill Whetstone, creator of  TVisio Google's #1 Ranked DIY Economic Stimulus. Follow my recommendations for Best Practices in Digital Learning and Sustainable Entrepreneurship. I test and share analytics to Help You profit from socially conscious Website Optimizers. I'm a Multi-Media Artist, Cost Segregation Analyst and Energy Services Consultant. This website confirms Ken Evoy's "Way of the Turtle".

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All The Best,

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